Happy New Year To You
Enjoying the simplicity and endless beauty in Iceland- 1 year ago.
Happy New Year To You
This time last year we visited our friend in Iceland and it was magical. There was something so beautiful and simple and you felt it everywhere you went. I came across this photo when I was reflecting back on the year and this moment by the sea but felt like being on the moon, made me smile and made me think.
There are people, places, and moments that touch your heart and stay with you forever. This year was one of those years was it not? In the beginning, we were in awe of what was happening as if it wasn't really happening and then we watched acts of kindness from all over the world. We saw dolphins swimming in the canals of Venice and deer and peacocks roaming around. We saw for the first time in years, clear clean skies and heard sounds we forgot existed.
We watched people lose their lives and some of us lost our loved ones and we learned so much about ourselves and with the people under our roof. Our family had so many silver linings I thank my lucky stars every day. I know this year did not "look like" what is usually on the calendar year, but maybe we needed a year like this to be exposed, to learn the truth about a few things, to watch how we show up daily and how deep-rooted some of our beliefs are. What I know is this, we were all put on this earth with a gift and it's up to us to discover this and to use it. When you find it you share it and you lend a hand to others along the way. I have made the choice to see the world with love, strength, and compassion, and the most important thing I've learned, "remain teachable" if not you will swim upstream and harden as time goes on. For the unknown years, I have left on this planet... I will remain teachable. after all earth is a school and we are the students.
Have a blessed New Year and New Growth
Thank you for reading and for your grateful support. it never goes unnoticed.
Rock On!
"You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:14
xo, Janet