Are you looking for the perfect elixir for your body and hair? Argan oil, which is often referred to as liquid gold, is believed to have age-defying and restorative properties and, is becoming increasingly sought after in the multi-million dollar beauty industry. One of my goals for 2017 is to take time to moisturize my skin, hair and nails! I do just fine with caring for my face, but I've been neglecting my body parts...It's time to invest in the overall body and I'm starting with Actually Organic Argan Oil.
Before the holidays Actually Organic reached out to me to see if I would be interested in trying their product. I began to read up on Argan Oil, I had heard a little about it, but knew very little. Argan oil is from Morocco... I've traveled there and loved it. The Moroccan people seem to be very passionate about their oils & spices... amongst other beauty secrets. I was intrigued that the oil came from trees located in a village named Argana, in the city of Agadir Morocco, hand picked and made by women only in this specific area. The trees grow wild and Moroccans have been using Argan oil as a skin moisturizer and hair conditioner since ancient times. In 1510 African explorer Leo Africanus came across the Argan oil when he was traveling across Morocco. From there, the oil entered Europe where only the rich and wealthy class had access to this expensive, rare and exotic oil.
The Argan Tree produces tasty fruit and the native goats Love the taste! The goats travel up the tree to eat the fruit then leave behind the nut that falls to the ground, later to be gathered by the women. The nuts fall from the tree in May and are collected in June and July.
Green represents where Argan Trees grow - It's now a protected tree because of high demand
The team from Actually Organic spent a good amount of time in Morocco meeting with local farmers who grow the Argania tree. Scientist discovered that it is full of rich antioxidants rejuvenating Vitamin E and other nutrients that add glow, youth, and beauty to the hair skin and nails.
It takes one worker over 40 minutes to crack enough nuts to create 1 - 4oz bottle. There are zero preservatives and chemicals, it's purely natural. You can add this magical oil to your mani-pedi routine, don't forget to take it with you to your manicure appointment, and have your manicurist apply after final coat.
Less known than coconut oil or jojoba oil. Argan oil itself contains more antioxidant and cell regenerative properties than olive oil, grape seed oil, and avocado oil combined. When applied to the skin, it absorbs quickly, and without an oily or greasy all! Your skin is left feeling silky, and smooth satiny.
Bee -Lieve in Yourself Necklace
Not only do I have dry nails and skin, but after constant us of a curling and flat iron the ends are super dry, After styling my hair I place a bit of the oil in my palms, rub together and run it on the ends of my hair. It truly helps to restore shine and luster. Things are lookin up!
Don't forget your nails!
By combining a few drops of the Argan Oil to my favorite body lotion I feel like I have added moisture back to my body! Let's face it... 40 and over the skin becomes incredibly dry, this has brought hope back to having that smooth touch to my legs and arms. Bee Lieve in Yourself necklace / Vintage Flannel Shirt The Farmers Daughter Sun Valley Shop
We've only begun to hear about the many skincare benefits of argan oil. It seems like new research appears every few months promoting more and more benefits -- For now, I am absolutely loving the overhaul of smoothness. There is a lot of moving parts that take place to reach the final outcome of this little bottle of "gold" It's quite a story and if you love organic, you can't help but appreciate the Argan Oil history.
Thank you Actually Organic, I now have a new and fantastic Oil enriched with history to add to my daily beauty routine, It's been a great experience. Thank you for reaching out to me.
Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty! – Coco Chanel
If you have any questions please email me;
1 - I've had zero breakouts from applying directly to my face
2 - A little goes a long way
3 - It has a tiny smell that goes away in about a minute
4 - It's been a miracle worker on my cuticles & hair
5 - I mix it with my lotion and apply right out of the shower
Hello, World!